Access your account through a seed & a keyring
Before getting started, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:
Create a Ternoa account with Alphanet CAPS from the faucet.
Install and configure your preferred code editor (for this tutorial, we will be using Visual Studio Code [VSC]).
Install NodeJS v.14+, along with NPM.
If you are not familiar with the process of creating a transaction on the Ternoa chain, we highly suggest first reading the Getting Started section of the documentation with a focus on the Ternoa-js workflow and the two transaction approaches.
Most of our examples in this documentation use the automated approach and involve creating the Keyring to sign and submit a transaction.
Polkadot Keyring's definition: The Keyring allows you to manage a set of keys in a consistent environment, allows you to perform operations on these keys (such as sign/verify), and never exposes the secretKey to the outside world. Learn more on keyring in the Polkadot's documentation.
Generating a keyring
We assume you have already created a new wallet for development purposes with no CAPS on Ternoa Mainnet. You must use a development wallet with NO REAL MONEY in it when learning, practicing, and testing. The 12 worlds' seeds must be stored in a .env.variable file. Be sure to NEVER make your seed publicly accessible or visible in a browser.
You can now provide your keyring as function parameters to create some transactions like we do to mint an NFT. See more examples in the NFT features & Pallets section.
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