Substrate Layer 1

The Ternoa chain is available through two distinct Substrate networks: the Mainnet, official Ternoa production network, and the Alphanet, official testing network with all the newest features available for testing purposes.

Mainnet endpoints

Alphanet endpoints

The Alphanet faucet provides you with some free test CAPS tokens to start building or interacting with the Ternoa chain on the Alphanet network.

It is accessible via the Ternoa website.

Alphanet CAPS Faucet

Paste your fresh Ternoa account address created previously (it starts with the number 5 e.g. 5DFAg6g9n3fNT2...VDSt5a1psr7BFJ1), verify the captcha, and click on the Claim button.

You will receive alpha CAPS tokens within a few minutes.

If the daily 100 alphanet $CAPS allowance is not enough, feel free to reach out to our dev community team on Discord.

Last updated