List an NFT for sale on a marketplace


Before getting started, make sure you have the following ready:

  1. Create a Ternoa account with Alphanet CAPS

  2. Install and set up your editor of choice (we will use Visual Studio Code [VSC] in this tutorial)

  3. Install NodeJS v.14+ & NPM

List for sale an NFT on a marketplace using Ternoa-JS

This function lists for sale an existing NFT on an existing marketplace on the Ternoa chain. It returns an object promise containing the NFTListedEvent provided by the Ternoa blockchain.

import {
} from "ternoa-js";

const listNftOnMp = async () => {
    try {
        await initializeApi();
        const keyring = await getKeyringFromSeed("//TernoaTestAccount");
        const NFT_ID = // update with the nft id you want to list for sale.
        const MARKETPLACE_ID = // update with the marketplace id you want the NFT to be listed on.
        const res = await listNft(
        console.log(`NFT id: ${res.nftId} listed on marketplace ${res.marketplaceId} for ${res.priceRounded}CAPS`);
    } catch (e) {

The expected params

`nftId`: NFT Id of the NFT to be listed for sale.
`marketplaceId`: Marketplace Id of the marketplace to list the NFT on.
`price`: Price of the NFT. It can be either a number or a Big Number.
`keyring`: The provided keyring (containing the address) will be used to sign the transaction and pay the execution fee.
`waitUntil`: WaitUntil defines at which point we want to get the results of the transaction execution: BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.


The response provided from the blockchain event includes all the information below according to the parameters provided when listing for sale the NFT.

`nftId`: NFT id listed for sale.
`marketplaceId`: Marketplace id where the NFT has been listed for sale.
`price`: The sale price of the NFT as a string corresponding to the value in big number.
`priceRounded`: The sale price of the NFT as a number.
`commissionFeeType?`: If included on the marketplace, the commission fee on the NFT sale. If set, it can be either a fixed amount or a percentage.
`commissionFee?`: If included on the marketplace, the commission fee value as a string corresponding to the value in a big number format.
`commissionFeeRounded?`: If included on the marketplace, the commission fee value is a number.

Unlist an NFT on a marketplace using Ternoa-JS

This function unlist an NFT from a marketplace on the Ternoa chain. It returns an object promise containing the NFTUnlistedEvent provided by the Ternoa blockchain.

import {
} from "ternoa-js";

const unlistNft = async () => {
    try {
        await initializeApi();
        const keyring = await getKeyringFromSeed("//TernoaTestAccount");
        const NFT_ID = // update with the nft id you want to unlist from the sale.
        const res = await unlistNft(
        console.log(`NFT id: ${res.nftId} unlisted.`);
    } catch (e) {

The expected params

`nftId`: NFT Id of the NFT to unlist from the sale.
`keyring`: The provided keyring (containing the address) will be used to sign the transaction and pay the execution fee.
`waitUntil`: WaitUntil defines at which point we want to get the results of the transaction execution: BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.


The response provided from the blockchain event includes all the information below according to the parameters provided when unlisting the NFT.

`nftId`: NFT id unlisted from the sale.


If you face any trouble, feel free to reach out to our community engineers in our Discord.

Last updated