Create an auction on a marketplace using Ternoa-JS
This function puts an existing NFT to auction on a marketplace on the Ternoa chain. It returns an object promise containing the AuctionCreatedEvent provided by the Ternoa blockchain.
Use your own account by updating the //TernoaTestAccount with your account seed when retrieving the keyring from the example below. Replace the NFT_ID with the existing one to auction, the MARKETPLACE_ID by the existing marketplace id you want the NFT to be auctioned on, the startBlock, endBlock, startPrice, buyItPrice.
import { createAuction, initializeApi, getKeyringFromSeed, WaitUntil,} from"ternoa-js";constlistAuctionNFT=async () => {try {awaitinitializeApi();constkeyring=awaitgetKeyringFromSeed("//TernoaTestAccount");constNFT_ID=// update with the nft id you want to auction.constMARKETPLACE_ID=// update with the marketplace id you want the NFT to be auctioned on.conststartBlock=// update with the auction start block number.constendBlock=// update with the auction end block number.conststartPrice=// update with the auction start price.constbuyItPrice=// update with the auction "buy it now" price.constres=awaitcreateAuction(NFT_ID,MARKETPLACE_ID, startBlock, endBlock, startPrice, buyItPrice, keyring,WaitUntil.BlockInclusion );console.log(`NFT id: ${res.nftId} auctioned on marketplace ${res.marketplaceId} for ${res.startPrice}CAPS`); } catch (e) {console.error(e); }};
The expected params
`nftId`: The ID of the NFT.`marketplaceId`: The ID of the marketplace where the auction will take place.`startBlock`: The ID of the block at which the auction starts.`endBlock`: The ID of the block at which the auction ends.`startPrice`: The price at which the auction starts.`buyItPrice`: The price to directly buy the NFT before the auction starts. Optional Parameter.`keyring`: The provided keyring (containing the address) will be used to sign the transaction and pay the execution fee.`waitUntil`: WaitUntil defines at which point we want to get the results of the transaction execution: BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
The response provided from the blockchain event includes all the information below according to the parameters provided when buying an NFT.
`nftId`: NFT id auctioned.`marketplaceId`: Marketplace id where the NFT was listed for auction.`creator`: The auction creator.`startPrice`: The starting auction price of the NFT as a string corresponding to the value in a big number.`startPriceRounded`: The starting auction price of the NFT as a number.`buyItPrice`: If set, the price to directly buy the NFT before the auction starts as a string corresponding to the value in a big number.`buyItPriceRounded`: If set, The price to directly buy the NFT before the auction starts as a number.`startBlock`: The auction starting block number.`endBlock`: The auction ending block number.
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