Polkadot Extension

Download the Polkadot{.js} extension

The Polkadot{.js} browser extension does one thing: it manages accounts and allows the signing of transactions with those accounts. It does not inject providers for use by dApps at this early point, nor does it perform wallet functions, e.g send funds.

Download the Polkadot{.js} browser extension here. The Polkadot{.js} extension is only available for Chrome & Firefox and is not compatible with mobile browsers. To connect your wallet to the extension, you will need to use a desktop browser.

For developers wanting to use the accounts from the extension in a Dapp, head to the Polkadot{.js} developer documentation or look at the corresponding build/handling wallets & accounts section.

How to connect your Ternoa account on Polkadot{.js}

To interact with your Ternoa Wallet from your browser to any dApp, you need to get your Ternoa account imported in the Polkadot{.js} browser extension. A video tutorial is available below:

If you already have Polkadot{.js} installed, you can either import account from pre-existing seed from your Ternoa Wallet or connect your Substrate address from a hardware wallet.

You can import your Ternoa Wallet directly on the extension by clicking the '+'. It will be necessary to have your wallet connected to validate transactions.

Last updated